
Year 7 to 10 (Middle School)


Humor from the Latin means to be fluid and flexible. Defined, humor is a quality in something that makes you laugh it. It could be a situation, someone’s words or actions, or something that is heard or seen. If you are in a good humor, you feel cheerful and happy, and are pleasant to people. Humor is considered a character strength because it can be used to make others feel good, to build relationships, and to help buffer stress resulting in increased feelings of emotional well-being, cohesion and optimism. It also encourages enjoyment, increased engagement and communication, teamwork and enthusiasm. Research also suggests that humor reduces negativity and depression. However, if humor is used divisively or to disparage others it can have negative impacts on self-esteem and confidence. The activities sourced and designed provide opportunities for children and students to comprehend, appreciate, and produce humor. A happy classroom where laughing together is prioritised will promote a warm, secure environment where individuals and learning are valued.

Caption Comedy: Make Them Laugh?

Humor can be used to enhance classroom happiness and develop a sense of community. Writing funny captions for photos requires clever and witty thought and can bring laughter to a classroom when these creations are shared.

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Year 7 to 10 (Middle School)

Location : US