
Years 11 to 12 (Senior Years)


Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through" or "perceive," and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. Perspective taking is the ability to look beyond your own point of view, so that you can consider how someone else may think or feel about something. It's where you consider someone else's thoughts and feelings about something to see things from their perspective. Having perspective is essential for the interpretation of “why” and “how” situations happen and the capacity to respond appropriately. When one can grasp another’s perspective, they are more likely to be empathetic, anticipate other’s behaviour or thinking, handle conflicts peacefully, be less judgmental, value differences, and act in ways that are more helpful, supportive and kind. The activities sourced and designed provide opportunities for children and students to ‘walk in another’s shoes’ and examine different aspects of their own lives. Mastering perspective and sense making is a habit that students need for every part of life—from handling friendship conflicts today to mastering boardroom debates tomorrow.

Who Is This Man?

‘The Lab: Decoy' showcases an experiment to convey the power of perspective in portrait photography. This short video explores the perspectives of the photographer, and how their experiences create biases. But are they mislead? This thought provoking activity questions how experience, beliefs and perspective influence perceptions.

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Years 11 to 12 (Senior Years)

Location : AU/UK